Sunday, May 27, 2007

Monday 28 May 2007 Update

Well things have been good here on the farm. We have had a few inches of rain and the water tanks have filled up. There still needs to be a fair bit more to fill the dams and keep the grass growing. Unfortunately we may not get enough warm weather now until spring to make the grass grow too much but we will still take any rain we can get. The lambs will be arriving soon so I will take some photo's when they do.

For now, here are some photo's of our little boy Sam. He is 7 1/2 weeks old now and is smiling at everyone and gurgling away in conversation. It is really amazing how each day brings new changes. We are having so much fun watching him grow before our eyes.

The first photo is of one of Sam's smiles, it's not a full one but it gives you a taste. The second photo is of Sam and Dad in the bath I know what you are thinking and yes I do feed my husband, he is just one of those people who never put on weight, they are so cute together. Sam has kept his modesty with the little bath thermometer that my cousin gave us . The other photo is Sam wearing his Bum Jumper that I made for him out of an old woolen jumper. It keeps him warm and dry without having to wear those horrid plastic nappy covers and at night he doesn't get as smelly when he does lots of Wees.

P.S Last night we had our first sleep through. He went to bed at 11pm and didn't wake up until 6am. Oh the bliss of 7 hours uninterrupted sleep.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Baby Samuel Update Wed 2 May 2007

Well so far everything has been going o.k. I ended up with a bit of Mastitis (luckily mum was here that week and helped out soooo much). Now I have a cold and feel awful when I get up at night to feed the little one.

However, he is such a good little boy that I cannot complain. He only cries when he wants a feed or is uncomfortable and He is happy to lie in his bassinette when I need to do some washing or a bit of housework. I have discovered "Pocket Nappies" which are just the best thing ever invented, so easy to use and so easy to care for. Here are a few more photo's of little Sam. One with Marcus after a feed and the other in bed with my mum.