Monday, July 17, 2017

Book Review - Ready Or Not the next Nom Nom Paleo book.

Ready or Not!: 150+ Make-Ahead, Make-Over, and Make-Now Recipes by Nom Nom PaleoReady or Not!: 150+ Make-Ahead, Make-Over, and Make-Now Recipes by Nom Nom Paleo by Michelle Tam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am not a Paleo dieter but I do love many of the Paleo recipes and the Nom Nom crew have done it again with this book.
They are always creative and usually quite easy to make, although there are a few harder ones.
I love the background behind it all that she puts into the book.
All I can say is even if you aren't a strict paleo eater then you can still enjoy the Nom Nom books, this one is my new fav.
I received an e-copy of this book in return for an honest review but I know I need a proper copy for my kitchen now.

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Book Review - Balanced & Barefoot by Angla Hanscom

Balanced and Barefoot: How Unrestricted Outdoor Play Makes for Strong, Confident, and Capable ChildrenBalanced and Barefoot: How Unrestricted Outdoor Play Makes for Strong, Confident, and Capable Children by Angela J. Hanscom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I am 100% in favour of children spending as much time outdoors, climbing trees and running barefoot in the grass.
Therefore I did enjoy this book.
Some of the theories she presents on how this lack of play is affecting children takes things a little too far.
overall a good read.
I do notice with my own children that when they are cooped up inside too long they go crazy.
I think this is an issue that many primary schools need to address more also, there are some children that need more outside time than others.
I also agree that children need to be left alone outside to their own devices for periods of time as they get older. So many parents don't let their children learn to think, fall, scrape their knees and problem solve by themselves, especially in an outside environment.
Overall my children are a little big now for this book to make too much difference but I am pleased that without even knowing I have followed many advices this book gives and my children are happy and healthy because of this.
I received this book for free in e-book format in return for an honest review.

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