Monday, October 08, 2007

Quick Catch up

It has been a little cool this weekend so we thought Sam should wear his Great Grandad's nice warm balaclava. He looked happy enough that's for sure.

As for the rest of us we are still waiting for all this rain they keep forecasting. The grass is still green but it will turn brown any day now with the warm days and the wind that won't go away. It's good for my washing but not so good for the feed.

Sooooo much sewing to do and so little time. If I had my way I would just sew and sew and sew. Sam is pretty good and I get a little bit done every few days but wishful thinking that I had all day, everyday to sew.

I have had a chance to make some soap. You may think this is a little crazy but I have been trying to get around to it for ages and finally made a batch of Coconut and Olive Oil, 2 weeks ago. Then this weekend I made a batch of pure Olive Oil Soap. I am using the real Cold Process method and making it from scratch. So far so good, it has turned out o.k. It won't be ready for use for another 2 weeks at least and then I may be brave enough to make a batch with some essential oils in it, that is when it gets a little more tricky and more things can go wrong.
You may ask why I would want to make soap when I can just buy it from the shops.... Well I am glad you asked. I don't like the way that things are made. I think that there is too much manufacturing in all the products that we buy and after doing extensive reading before starting to make soap I see that it is not that good for you anyway. They have taken out so many of the good oils and it is a very inferior product. But then I have always had a bit of an environmental streak in me. I have always preferred to use a more "Natural" product if I can find it. My very good friend Michelle calls me the "Earth Mother" As I use cloth Nappies on Sam and don't use any chemicals in cleaning and washing and I don't use soaps or anything on Sam. I think that the Soap will also make a nice addition to my Christmas Presents this year.
Anyhow enough babbling.