Thursday 19 October 2006
Here goes, my first ever blog.
Thank you to tigerfilly for helping me get started.
A bit about me to start with. 32 years old living on a farm that my husband runs with his father, it is in the Ournie valley which is right near the Murray river and about 1 1/2 hours from Thredbo. It really is a little slice of heaven down here to be able to wake up the the birds in the trees and the cows mooing (except when it's calf weaning time it's a bit noisy). I will post some photo's when I figure out how to.
My hubby Marcus and I were married on 5 November 2005 and went on our honeymoon on 10 June 2006 for 5 1/2 weeks to Canada where we had an absolute ball. We had planned on starting to try having babies while we were away and came home to find out that we were successful on the 1st go. I know that we are very blessed to be this lucky but I still felt very shocked for about the 1st 3 months.
So now I am 16 1/2 weeks and feeling really good. I guess I have been lucky. I only had 2 bad days in the whole time. I felt kind of blah for 14 weeks but really pretty lucky. I have been trying to get down to some serious sewing so that I have some maternity wear for the months to come and also eventually I want to make some baby clothes but so far I have trouble just getting my housework done cause the weather is too nice and I don't want to be inside but I guess I will have to get "nesting" before too long or I will be too fat to do anything. I will have to set aside all my stitching and patchwork projects for the moment too.
Enough for the 1st time. Hope this works o.k.