I am sooooo lucky, I was allowed to open my parcel this morning for my
Essential Baby Quilters Doll Quilt Swap #2 and inside was this lovely creation from the very talented
AJ . By the way this picture does not do it justice at all.

It also included 2 pieces of fabric from the Amy Butler collection. I have never owned a piece of Amy Butler but have always looked and admired from afar so I feel like christmas has come early today.
The quilt has a beautiful folded fabric effect in the centre of the squares and the quilting is lovely curves to match the folding. The Fabrics are a bit more green that can be seen in the picture and the colours are just perfect.
I cannot thank AJ enough for all the hard work that must have gone into this quilt.
Now that it is Friday I would love to show a picture of the one that I sent to Adds but I am not sure if she has recieved it yet so I will wait until I am sure she has.